About Us
Founded in 1961, the Baldota Group has a diversified interests in Mining, Pelletization, Wind Power, Gases, Shipping, Aviation, Environmental Care, Mental Wellness, and angel investments in startups.
Founded by Late Shri Abheraj H. Baldota, a pioneering entrepreneur with a vision to serve the nation and the foresight to capture value in India’s vast reserve of high-grade iron ore, the Baldota Group was born. Under his aegis the Baldota group transformed itself from a fledgling mining company to a diversified business empire.
We conscientiously work towards achieving leadership in every domain that we operate in. We add value to our iron ore products through forward integration and leveraging our clean development mechanism (CDM) status in wind power.
Built around core values laid down by our beloved guiding founder, we have also demonstrated steadfast commitment towards the communities we work in and have been cited for our environmental consciousness.
The Baldota Group has adopted a (diversified) conglomerate route and invested in many businesses under a single umbrella to implement shared growth strategies. This is done to enable various businesses to leverage potential economies of scale and synergies that diversity has to offer.
The Baldota Group of Companies believes in leading the pack. We invest in research across India in our quest for locating new mineral resources. Our experts state that, finding for high-value minerals is a veritable treasure hunt. Often it requires years of research before one strikes it.
This path has enabled us to acquire new skills, techniques, and new ways of value creation for all stakeholders at any given time.
5 Cs
Baldota Group is guided by the principles of the 5 Cs:
Creativity, Commitment, Concern, Care and Core Values.