Learning & Development
Learning at Baldota means to acquire knowledge and skills required to perform the job effectively. Preparing employees for greater responsibilities by upgrading their knowledge and expertise are very important at Baldota Group.
We seek high-potential employees at every level and provide them with the support and means they need to develop into our future team of skilled operators and business leaders.
Our employees undergo many technical trainings every year to stay abreast of the latest trends in the industry. Employees undergo soft skills trainings, by internal and external faculty, to enhance their communication, leadership, and interpersonal skills.
We impart orientation and training to new hires to make them imbibe organisational goals and departmental functions. We also impart training for promotion, transfer, new technology & re-alignment and cover the performance gaps in existing employees. Training needs are generally identified based on organisational goals, job role and personal development. However, Self-Assessed Training needs exist when there is a gap between what you can do now and what you need to be able to do. The Self-Assessment model is premised on the assumption that the employee knows best what he or she is good at. The employee is in the advantageous position to judge and identify his or her own training and development gaps.
Internal Job Posting
The objective of the Internal Job Posting Policy is to ensure that all employees are made aware of and can apply for open positions within the group either before or concurrent with the company's consideration of external candidates for employment.
We are committed to investing in our employees and helping them advance their careers within our company whenever possible. Job posting is an internal recruitment practice where we post certain selected vacant positions and allow employees to apply for them internally.
Job Rotation
The primary objective of job rotation exercise is avoided boredom, saturation and burnout. Job rotation is the systematic movement of employees from one job to another within the organization to achieve objectives such as orienting new employees, training, enhancing career development. Sometimes new goals and responsibilities bring out the best in the individual.
Competency Individual development
At Baldota Group,success is dependent on its people. Our talent management philosophy is guided by alignment of 5Cs with skills on one hand and demonstrated behaviors on other. By using group leadership skills which cuts across 3 pillars—business, results, and people, we always strive to take our organization to next level by identifying and developing next-gen leaders.
We conduct training programs in a variety of ways such as :
On-site training
- On the Job Training
- Apprentice Training
- Coaching/mentoring
- Job Rotation
Off-site training
- Lectures/Seminars
- Multimedia Presentations
- Programmed/Computer Assisted instruction
- Simulation
- Role Playing
- Behaviour Modeling

Objectives of Mentoring Training program is to Appreciate the four important processes such as Counselling, Consulting, Mentoring and Coaching, Learn the Model of Mentoring, Offer motivation for self-development, creativity and the acceptance of responsibility with confidence, Drive Results that are Fast, Innovative and Workable, Strengthen the Feedback and Review Mechanism.