Ramgad Minerals & Mining Limited (RMML), a Baldota Group Company, carried out a reconnaissance level exploration for Gold under a granted Reconnaissance Permit (RP) in 2001 over an area of 1233.05 sq. km in Gadag District of Karnataka.
The exploration progressed to seeking ten Prospecting Licenses (PLs), out of which two PLs were granted in 2009, and out of the two PLs eight PLs were applied for ML and one ML was granted which awaits forest permission.
Out of the remaining eight PLs, one PL at Hosur ( 5.062 Sq km ) has been granted by DMG, Karnataka in March 2021 and exploration of the G1/G2 level is underway. Remaining seven PLs still await grant from the Karnataka government.
Through detailed exploration, the RMML exploration team has established the presence of economically exploitable gold. The company's two decades of exploration activities in the Gadag district have bestowed deep expertise in gold exploration. The Exploration was carried out through an integrated approach of remote sensing techniques, geology, geochemistry, and geophysics for target selection and drilling for estimating resources.
After obtaining drilling data, further for the resource estimation and subsequent economic evaluation, the RMML uses modern software like Datamine, SURPAC and Whittle.
The geophysics division is equipped with advanced instruments and modeling software to narrow down the exploration targets. For the resource modeling and subsequent economic evaluation, the company uses modern software like Datamine, SURPAC and Whittle. Construction of a plant with 1,000 tonnes per day of gold processing capability in Gadag is being awaited. We have sought resolution of the mining licenses.
Gold Processing Plant
When operational, Sangli Gold Mine (SGM) would be the first gold mine in the private sector. MSPL Limited is setting up a plant for 1,000 tonnes per day capacity. The project is approved, and the mining plan and environment clearances have been sought. The plant is being established with international technological expertise from South Africa and other countries.
The plant is likely to create direct employment opportunity for nearly 500 people and another 300 people will be indirectly employed. It will provide livelihoods for all villages in proximity.